

We are the Sunshine Searchers inc., The sisters of the travelling tales and the daydreamers you were never told about!

We follow our hearts to discover what happiness means to us and wanted to share that with you guys along the way from our crazy creations to the days that make us dizzy with raised hope and our faces lit with more than just a smile!

We want to share the travels, the tests and the sheer joy we endeavor to uncover in life, everyday of our lives!

”Live, Love, Laugh”

It’s an over-used motto but there’s a reason for that.

Happy Blogging fellow writers, your words are all the adventure you could ever need, wherever they are from!

Love, Daisy and Heather! x


  1. Diana · March 8, 2014

    So I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award in my latest post. It’s International Women’s Day, and the noms are all going to women whose blogs I enjoy. ๐Ÿ™‚ http://parttimemonster.wordpress.com/2014/03/08/versatile-blogger-award-international-womens-day-edition/

    • jellybeanhq · March 8, 2014

      Thank you so much, that’s so lovely of you ๐Ÿ˜€

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