Cuteness Monday… Coatis!


Enjoy these super adorbs pictures…















Look at how cute these little critters are! We have a baby coati at the centre at the moment, and she’s adorably sweet! I hope this helps motivates you to get through the dreaded Monday! Have a great day guys!

Scientific Thursday…14/8/14

It’s my favourite time of the week again! Time to round up some exciting and very interesting science news! 

Sorry for the absence of this from last week, but I have been on holiday where there was very little, if any, internet connection! But now I’m back, so you’re all ok 😉

1.) Mummies 2000 years older than previously thought.


It was previously thought that earlier mummification, done by wrapping the bodies, placing them outside, and letting the dryness complete the procss, was done around 2500BC, and that the deliberate mummification using resins and oils came much later. However, the first Egyptian deaths and burials were around 4500BC, and they’ve only just found hard enough evidence to prove so. So, the beginnings of mummification, proved by chromatography, is much more earlier than realised.


2.) Crayfish develop new brain cells from their blood cells!


This news could help the regeneration of damaged brain cells! In this little critter’s immune system, they can turn many of their other types of cells into brain cells, if they are needed after destruction by neurogenesis. Neuronal precursors in the Crayfish can’t be renewed, so they have to be constantly made. Tranfusions of these hemocytes to recipient crayfish, who after seven weeks, started to produce many new neurotransmitters.


3.) A single gene has been shown to control jet lag.


There has now been discovered a master gene for sleeping and waking cycles. This gene is called Lhx1, and could help people to adjust to time differences or weird working hours in the future. It’s discovery has also helped to discover new treatment strategies for people with sleep disorders and the like.


Have a great Thursday everyone!

An Easter For Everyone, Symbols of the Occasion!

So after a small hiatus from everything to due an unfortunate spell of ill health I decided it was time to return with a lovely origin story about Easter and a few things you might not know about the celebration,



I found this image the other day after wandering around on one of my favourite Facebook pages to while away some travel time.

So today we celebrate not only the Christian resurrection but also the celebration of fertility and sex. What better way to celebrate than with chocolate, good food and family. 

But let’s take a look at some of the traditional things we associate with Easter:

Ishtar or Eostre links from the roots mentioned above to paganism and so on to Christianity as time went by. What they have in common is a resurrection. Wonderful myths and legends about how the son (sun) died on a cross (The constellation of the Southern cross) and resurrection was an overcoming of darkness. This was symbolized by many figures over time including the earlier Egyptian God Horus who has a beautifully rich history and meaning of his own.


Not only is Easter a wonderful way to celebrate your chosen religion but it is also widely celebrated in secular culture as the spring equinox. So Whoever you are and what ever beliefs you hold today is a wonderful day.

  • Church Services, Rise and Shine!

Traditional Christian sunrise services originated from the pagan solar celebrations. Although the dates are not set as such it is a note of springs arrival with the sunny days getting longer and the nights shorter it’s not just a day of celebration but the start of months of beautiful weather. Get up early, greet the day and make the most even if it is the season for April showers.


  • Bunnies

The Easter bunny as with most traditional elements is associated with paganism but founded in the Norse religions and comes from Eostre the Goddess symbolising and celebrated in the month of April whose symbol was a hare. It is the time for baby bunnies after all. Then there’s the Easter bunny, who delivers the eggs to children and of course like most fairytale’s this comes from Germany. Alongside the edible bunnies we would more often find in European countries. The Tale of Osterhase or the Easter Bunny as we know him in English is one of a rabbit who would lay brightly coloured eggs in nests that children would make should they have behave themselves. It’s like the Santa of springtime with a little more chocolate and perhaps a bit more terrifying if some of the costumes are to go by!



  • Hot Cross Buns: The Defiance of Pagan woman.

These treats were originally bakes on Easter to celebrate and worship Gods but religious leaders attempted to put a stop to it. Alas anyone who bakes will know the persistence you feel not only with your recipes but the repeat of their enjoyment when you find one that works, and that’s exactly what the ladies of this time did until the point at which the cakes became blessed. A note to never give up on a good cause because someone will make a change eventually. These buns obviously eventually became a symbol of the cross in Christian traditions but more to the point they are a great thing to make with your younger relatives to get them into the tradition and also to share with those you love as part of the celebration. Not to mention how they turned into a nursery rhyme from ye olden days!

  •  Easter Eggs!

A foil wrapped chocolate treat that’s fun to break and even better to eat. From Easter egg hunts you never quite get to old for to the family members delivering them as you excitedly anticipate the day you get to eat them, studying the bright coloured boxes and potential hyperactivity waiting inside as you wait. If you partake in lent then it may be even great cause after a 40 days and nights of fasting. You could even make and decorate your own eggs in some way, here’s a link with some ideas. The egg symbolises new life, fertility and the circle of life. A wonderful thank you to nature and being.


However you choose to celebrate whether it be Easter crafts, a family meal or a relaxed day at home to catch up on a few things I hope you have an eggstra special day (I’m sorry, I had too!).

I really enjoyed learning new things about the meaning of Easter and how lovely it is to know how long it has been around and how it has adapted to be a celebration for all to enjoy!




Need a Little Faith?

So this week has been a little disheartening. I’ve spent the whole week a ill and still been running around like a headless chicken and trying to cheer people up. But I’ve been lacking my own ray of sunshine and feeling let down. But here are four short stories from my week about things that have slowly restored my faith.

1. It started off with a chocolate bunny and a sage flavoured sweet. My lovely flatmate is a regular schkolade sharer but one particularly bad day with my being ill at a peak and the prospect of going into work the next day an all time low moment it was all I needed and in the shape of a tiny rabbit. My flatmate is very German and so was the sage sugar-free menthol sweet that followed but the schokolade, the sweetie and sage bon bon gave me enough of a pick me up to go and do something useful.

2.On my way into the impending shift, cough causing disruption to the looks of passengers on the bus and clouds threatening rain as my tied back hair did not care I stopped into the shop for water. As I left there was a lady ahead of me who had also just been shopping and proceeded to give a homeless man a bag of food. It’s one of the only times I’ve ever seen a person like that smile, for good reason. Homelessness is something I can’t comprehend given the riches of so many. But greed is a terrible thing. I may not have much money but when I don’t get the bus and walk into town I try and do something with the money that will help someone who needs its more than I need public transport. We can all do something to help and this woman is a prime example. Putting a coffee aside at a cafe for a person who can’t buy their own, picking up a little extra when buying food of any kind, giving away the loose change you’ll probably waste anyway or even just saying sorry if you don’t have any and acknowledging that they are a human being. So much can help.

3. It’s not all about the money. I stepped of the coach, half way home after a 4am start and rang a taxi. Two minutes later, backpack re-arranged and mentally prepared for the train stage of my journey I get a call. It’s the taxi driver. He rang to sat that although he usually wouldn’t decline the business I was a two minute walk away from the train station and he gave me full directions. Upon reaching the station I got a call to check I’d arrived and to say that if I ever needed a taxi in that area again to give them a call. This was followed by a very friendly coffee Barista and an extra smile on my face when realising how lovely people can be.

4. Finally home, tired and still coughing like I was trying impatiently to get someone’s attention without will, I settled to unpack and played with the cat. An hour later my brother came down and asked if I wanted to go shopping where he really spoilt me. From medicine to cookies I have enough to keep me going until the rest of my family return from their holiday and even longer. I have the best big brother ever but it got better. I got home and unpacked the shopping and told my brother I was going to his house to cook for him. Ten minutes later and I’m sorting out the mountains of washing that I bought home and he not only fetches that but takes me over to his where he’s already started the cooking. I insisted on finishing it because he’s put my washing in before I’d even asked, set the table and made sure there was a good amount of colourful things on the plate. After lunch he hung up my washing before I realised he’s moved and fetched DVD’s for me to take home and watch. When he then accompanied this with chocolate it is safe to say I nearly teared up. The relief and amazement of having someone look after me and really show they care and this being mixed with it being one of my hero’s anyway was the best feeling I could have returned to. I love my big brother and coming home has reminded me how much my entire family mean to me because they don’t have to show they care but they never fail to.

I know my faith is restored but I hope this helped you consider all those things that restore yours.

Have a story of your own? We’d love to hear about it.

Happy Sunday Night, Have a Wonderful Monday

Daisy x


The Birds and The Bees: Springtime Revelations

I learnt a few things today and those things look like this:

1. When your male flatmate asks you how to iron a shirt you know you’re going to end up doing it for him (And Tying his bow tie).


2. When someone asks you what an epilator is and all you can say is that it’s like multiple tweezers attached together with a power cord you probably shouldn’t be using one.

A male friend (Who would not know the pain and sheer effort us ladybugs go through to achieve smooth legs…and other places) asked me what one was and that’s the only way I can describe it. There are no words for my after-thoughts other than Owch, why do I do that to myself!

3. Gradual fake tan is not the best idea…ever!

Sometime you get a little tired of blending with the weather and I am endlessly an English Rose in complexion (much to my dismay, not demeanor) so I tried to apply some gradual tan and four hours later I am in need of a severe exfoliation and a cup of tea to calm my nerves!

4. No-one has invented a cure for being irrevocably restless while you wait for something to de-frost/ someone to reply/ tomorrow. I would love to see an invention that can occupy my constantly active mind, body & soul while I’m waiting. Even Pinterest hasn’t cut-it lately!

5. I am, much to my dismay, still allergic to dark chocolate and as a result caffeine (a.k.a thank goodness for strawberry laces)

When I was fourteen I found out I was allergic to caffeine, fizzy drinks, Cheese (Apart from on pizza strangely!) and Most types of chocolate and bath products. Bye Bye Dr Pepper and Lush Bombs. This means I had to take up decaf and herbal teas, good quality milk chocolate and organic moisturized skincare. It’s healthy yes but endlessly to my dismay. Every 7 years I have heard rumour that ones body resets itself in a way, but much to my misfortune after an attempt at dark chocolate it was not in that way. Ahh well, maybe when I’m 26 (perish the thought).

6. Exercising fully before you start your day doesn’t quite feel the same as at the end of a day removing the last bits of energy for motivation.

I love starting the day with a small yoga routine and ending it before my nightly session of e-mails and Instagramming with a really good hour of toning exercises to get rid of any remaining tension and energy. It’s the most satisfying way to end up in your pj’s at 9pm with a tub of Ben&Jerry’s you swear you wont eat all of and still not feel guilty.

7. My friend from Bulgaria loves to read Philosophical and Classic books just as much as I do, although we both agree that flimsy women are a no-go! ❤

Image (Jane Eyre)

8. Floral skirts are every honorary Welsh Girls dream because they look fantastic with Wellies Even in weather like this:Image 


9. Saying you have Herpes is not an effective way to stop people using your cutlery in a student flat (As my favorite flat sister found out!). 

We have a notorious cutlery user who does not wash things up *sighs* and the methods to prevent this are getting more extreme without the storage of things in our rooms. My clothes refuse to make space for my forks, it’s an endless disaster.

10. Honey is magical…From banana and blueberry muffins to a peppermint tea after a long day of classes and establishing that we never really know anything. (And I love bees <3)



We now have a contact us page *shiny loveliness* so please let us know if you learnt anything awesome today 🙂

Lots of Love from me and my hurty brain!

Daisy x