Book Review Sunday…The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake.


Hi everyone, hope you’re enjoying the bank holiday weekend so far, even if it is a little chilly for August! I am just a couple of chapters off finishing the titular book so I thought I would make a review of it! 

It starts off with Rose Edelstein at 8 years old, with her impending 9th birthday coming up soon. Her mother decides to start baking a cake for her (lemon, naturally), another one of her ‘fads’ she goes through, just like woodworking later on (although that one finally sticks!). However, as Rose bites into a piece, her whole world turns upside down, as she can taste her mothers pain and worries through that one slice. 

For the next few weeks, this newly discovered skill of hers troubles her, she can taste anyone’s feelings, if they themselves make some food and serve it to her. She discovers through this the troubled misfortunes of her brother, her father’s own secret skill he’s never discovered himself. George, her brother Joe’s friend, becomes interested in her skill, and decided to help her to try it out on restaurant meals too, more specifically, cookies. 

It really is an outstanding story with an original concept. At first it starts off slow, then entices you in with more dazzling prose and superlative adjectives. If you can get past the first mismatched 60 pages, then you’re in for a treat! Overall, the book is mysterious and shows you how secrets exist within every family, and how the family dynamic changes after some of the secrets are unveiled or the members grow up. 

I totally sympathised with the family’s struggles, as I myself have witnessed first hand how a family can be broken down. I guess the story also emphasises the struggle with various mental disorders, and how many things are all in our heads. It removes the stigma and prejudice against these individuals and shows the real person stuck behind it all. It is truly empowering.

The novel is extremely complex, yet with no speech marks, it is extremely simple at the same time. I guess it also shows how complex relationships are when relations to each other are so simple. I’m extremely fortunate to have come across this book, as it leaves a lasting memory on your mind. If you want a thought provoking read, then this is the book for you!

Happy reading!

An Easter For Everyone, Symbols of the Occasion!

So after a small hiatus from everything to due an unfortunate spell of ill health I decided it was time to return with a lovely origin story about Easter and a few things you might not know about the celebration,



I found this image the other day after wandering around on one of my favourite Facebook pages to while away some travel time.

So today we celebrate not only the Christian resurrection but also the celebration of fertility and sex. What better way to celebrate than with chocolate, good food and family. 

But let’s take a look at some of the traditional things we associate with Easter:

Ishtar or Eostre links from the roots mentioned above to paganism and so on to Christianity as time went by. What they have in common is a resurrection. Wonderful myths and legends about how the son (sun) died on a cross (The constellation of the Southern cross) and resurrection was an overcoming of darkness. This was symbolized by many figures over time including the earlier Egyptian God Horus who has a beautifully rich history and meaning of his own.


Not only is Easter a wonderful way to celebrate your chosen religion but it is also widely celebrated in secular culture as the spring equinox. So Whoever you are and what ever beliefs you hold today is a wonderful day.

  • Church Services, Rise and Shine!

Traditional Christian sunrise services originated from the pagan solar celebrations. Although the dates are not set as such it is a note of springs arrival with the sunny days getting longer and the nights shorter it’s not just a day of celebration but the start of months of beautiful weather. Get up early, greet the day and make the most even if it is the season for April showers.


  • Bunnies

The Easter bunny as with most traditional elements is associated with paganism but founded in the Norse religions and comes from Eostre the Goddess symbolising and celebrated in the month of April whose symbol was a hare. It is the time for baby bunnies after all. Then there’s the Easter bunny, who delivers the eggs to children and of course like most fairytale’s this comes from Germany. Alongside the edible bunnies we would more often find in European countries. The Tale of Osterhase or the Easter Bunny as we know him in English is one of a rabbit who would lay brightly coloured eggs in nests that children would make should they have behave themselves. It’s like the Santa of springtime with a little more chocolate and perhaps a bit more terrifying if some of the costumes are to go by!



  • Hot Cross Buns: The Defiance of Pagan woman.

These treats were originally bakes on Easter to celebrate and worship Gods but religious leaders attempted to put a stop to it. Alas anyone who bakes will know the persistence you feel not only with your recipes but the repeat of their enjoyment when you find one that works, and that’s exactly what the ladies of this time did until the point at which the cakes became blessed. A note to never give up on a good cause because someone will make a change eventually. These buns obviously eventually became a symbol of the cross in Christian traditions but more to the point they are a great thing to make with your younger relatives to get them into the tradition and also to share with those you love as part of the celebration. Not to mention how they turned into a nursery rhyme from ye olden days!

  •  Easter Eggs!

A foil wrapped chocolate treat that’s fun to break and even better to eat. From Easter egg hunts you never quite get to old for to the family members delivering them as you excitedly anticipate the day you get to eat them, studying the bright coloured boxes and potential hyperactivity waiting inside as you wait. If you partake in lent then it may be even great cause after a 40 days and nights of fasting. You could even make and decorate your own eggs in some way, here’s a link with some ideas. The egg symbolises new life, fertility and the circle of life. A wonderful thank you to nature and being.


However you choose to celebrate whether it be Easter crafts, a family meal or a relaxed day at home to catch up on a few things I hope you have an eggstra special day (I’m sorry, I had too!).

I really enjoyed learning new things about the meaning of Easter and how lovely it is to know how long it has been around and how it has adapted to be a celebration for all to enjoy!




3 Mini Motivations: Mothers’ Day Edition


Here we are again and it’s Mothering Sunday. I had 14 hours sleep last night and it was fantastic, but it also meant I did not wake in time to call my mommabear before she disappeared for the day with my dearest big brother!

I sent my card two weeks in advance and have been a fantastic daughter and offered to re-decorate the entire house, in three weeks, when I go home for Easter! (I think I was guilt-tripped)

My Three Mini-Motivations for this week all involve Le Matriach.

Numero Uno. This video. Thank You Mother’s Everywhere. You show us how to love, how to care because you posses those beautiful qualities yourself. You are the strongest people we know and love us unconditionally whatever you have going on and today is the day to show endless gratitude because it’s there all the time. We just need reminding to say thank you sometimes.

#2. Image

You can get Mothers’ Day cards from your pets. (Feeling a little bit unloved by my cat right now ;))

And Finally (Number 3), To my own lovely mum:

A mother’s bond it does not break,

yet what of love that does not take?

A flower seed to decompose,

But endlessly soothed by the word’s a mother knows.


Call her, take her out for the day, say thank you in some way. Remind her of something you are endlessly grateful for and let her know in return that even though there is not a thing you must return, you would without a second doubt give her the world like she did for you.

I love my mum and always will and appreciation I can never express!

Have a beautiful day,

Daisy x



3 Mini Motivations: Springtime Seasonals

So here we are again with my Sunday Motivations to kick-start your week and today I had a lie-in, baked some blueberry/banana/honey muffins (which all disappeared within an hour) and went for a fantastic run (walk) in the park as it has been a beautiful day.

Three things you can be happy about right now are:

1. Blueberry Muffins are so easy to make and (when made right) one of your five a day.

Here’s my recipe:

  • 110g butter
  • 250g plain flour
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 125ml milk (or slightly less)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • As many blueberries as you desire (roughly 100-150g)
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • (optional) other fruit

Put the flour and salt in one bowl, mix the eggs and sugar well then add in all the other ingredients before folding into the flour and putting into the oven on 180 C or gas mark 4 for about half an hour or so.

2. Tom from Mcfly did it again with his baby video. There is endless hope. I need say no more but Song…Cute Song…little person…*squee*

3. Hair Chalk is one of the best ways to re-invent your hair for a short amount of time. It’s so cheap on the interwebs and although my hair is currently blue here is a picture I found:


Have a fantastic week,

Daisy x