Take a break from the internet!


It’s good sometimes to not have the internet, here’s why:

1.) You can focus on strengthening relationships.

This is as not having the internet means that you can actually listen to what the person is saying and you’re not getting distracted.

2.) You’ll become less worried.

Not having constant connections to everywhere in the world means that you don’t feel as pressured by the 24/7 lifestyle we have been lead to believe is what we should strive for. Take a break and disconnect every once in a while!

3.) You can focus on having hobbies.

Not having the internet means that you can focus on improving skills or trying that new knitting class you’ve been wanting to try! I know when I do this I focus on my art.

These are only a couple reasons but there are so many more to mention. So disconnect for a day or so a week and see how it improves your life!

Stop comparing yourself!

One thing I learned yesterday was to stop comparing your grades, your relationships, your house, your whole life! If you do, you’ll never be satisfied with anything you accomplish or achieve! If you get 50% and another gets 70% on an exam, don’t worry about it, as long as you know you’ve tried your best, then you shouldn’t be mad at yourself! If your boyfriend only texts you sporadically, yet another girl’s boyfriend texts her all the time, don’t compare it, think about the time you spend together rather as that is more important. If someone else lives in a 5 bedroom mansion, yet you live in a 2 bedroom terraced house, don’t fret, as you probably use all the rooms in the house more than they’ve used one in theirs!

We need to be grateful for what we already have now, rather than what we don’t have. 

Once we start being grateful, our view of the world will ultimately change and we may begin to have a more positive outlook. I know that since I’ve started writing 3/5 things I’m grateful for each night, I’ve been feeling happier about the things I have in my life already. So, that’s my thought for today, be more grateful.